Today we talk with our CEO Ferdinand Ruaño about how to raise private capital to invest in real estate as well as other subjects like investment opportunities in Puerto Rico and how he was part of history helping raise capital for Nelson Mandela's transition in 1994.
Juliana No interviews Ferdinand Ruaño while he explains what private equity solutions and funds are and how it works among other things.
Ferdinand Ruaño is a serial entrepreneur with ample knowledge in Finance, Wealth Management and Real Estate due to his professional history and development. Among many career accomplishments and adventures, he helped the South African government raise funds and capital in Nelson Mandela's transition in 1994.
With a Finance degree from the University of South Florida, Ferdinand was a securities broker and broker for 5 years in a row for the top 2 stockbrokers in the United States and Puerto Rico. He was considered a pioneer in international investments in Puerto Rico and part of Who is Who on Finance in 1998-1999.
Ferdinand Ruaño also graduated with an M.B.A from Loyola University New Orleans. In 1982 he started working in finance and economic advisory, in 1985 he developed various investment models and created “Total Financial Planning” which later became “Ruaño Investment Planning Group Inc.”.
As a businessman and financial advisor, he worked with various companies in the wealth management industry and was a registered representative for different renowned broker-dealers of the United States. As one of the highlights of his career, he helped raise capital by working as a consultant for the initial public offering of Genaissance Pharmaceuticals in 2000.
Today, Ferdinand Ruaño is the CEO of Private Equity Solutions LLC, a company dedicated to technical analysis of the economy and real estate consulting and investment with more than $ 40 million in assets. Today, his company PES (Private Equity Solutions) helps investors find the perfect investment in relation to real estate. From properties to investment funds.
To request the presence of Mr. Ferdinand Ruano as a speaker for your events or company, please contact public relations company Stand Out Consulting by sending an email to Juliana No at info@StandOutConsultingServices.com